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  • Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Houston

    We have 59 parish-based Society chapters called Conferences with over 1,900 combined volunteers. Be part of our mission by joinin. Case Management System Benefits: Automate and simplify the filing of Monthly Conference Reports and provide cons istency in reporting among all Conferences in the Archdiocese. Maintain records of all assistance provided to neighbors in need for tracking and simplified audits by the Council. Compile demographic and financial data to use in obtaining funds. Simplify bank account reconciliation. Simplify Food Pantry reporting. CMS 4.0 Browser Edition Supported Operating Systems (OS): Windows 8 or Higher, Mac OS, iPadOS, Android, Chrome OS It is highly suggested that you bookmark the CMS 4.0 direct link or this page for quick access What's new? CMS Release Note v4.1.011 Situation tab is only two forms instead of three. Attachment can be upload at any point in the visit flow The "Merge" button has been moved to the left to avoid accidental activation. Option to navigate and review cases before auto-closing Contact Watch Training Videos Login CLICK HERE CMS Need user guides? Scroll down for more resources. Have a question? Send an email to Case Management Case intake & Worker Instructions Case Intake Training slides Casew orker Training slides Treasury Converting a pledge to a check request Issuing a check USER GUIDES Food Pantry Pantry Closeout Instructions Administrative Client Merge Instructions

  • Support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

    There are multiple ways you can support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Conveniently donate online. By check, donor-advised funds (DAF), stock, employer-matching gifts, endowments, among others. Thank you for supporting the Society of St. Vincent de Paul! Ways to give There are many ways you can bless others in need. Your donation to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul takes only a moment, but the impact lasts a lifetime. The mission cannot continue without you. If you do not see your choice of giving below, please email or call 832-538-0325. DONATE NOW YOUR IMPACT GET INVOLVED BY CHECK DONOR ADVISED FUND EMPLOYER MATCHING STOCKS PLANNED GIVING ENDOWMENT CONFERENCE SUPPORT Mail a check. 
 We accept donations in the form of a check. Please make sure to make the check out to: Society of St. Vincent de Paul c/o Development 2403 Holcombe Blvd. Houston, TX 77021 Recommend a grant from your donor-advised fund (DAF) through your fund administrator. 
 You can recommend a gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, by contacting your fund administrator or making a grant recommendation online. Plan ahead and leave a legacy for years to come. Your eternal gift can be in the form of a bequest, life insurance, IRAs, stock, or charitable annuities. Leave a Legacy Matching gifts amplify the amount of impact! Employer matching gift programs allow you to team up and combine your employee benefit and donation to the Society to make a greater impact. If your employer matches gifts, your donation can be doubled or tripled to nonprofit organizations, like the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Instead of donating the after-tax proceeds from the sale of your appreciated securities, consider increasing your impact by donating stocks, bonds, and mutual funds directly to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul through the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Stock Donation Form An endowment is a fund of assets, the principal of which is held in perpetuity and invested for the organization to receive distributions. Endowed funds are invested with a long-term goal of achieving investment returns that exceed distributions. Endowment Forms To support a specific parish Conference, please include the parish or Conference name in the memo line of your gift. Thank you! EXAMPLE GIFT MEMO: St. Thomas Aquinas Conference I'm ready to make a gift! Give with confidence We understand that it is important to you that your donation is being used effectively—it is important to us, too. Our top priorities encompass prudent stewardship and accountability. Careful management of operational resources is necessary to continuously fulfill the Society's mission.

  • Impact | Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese Galveston-Houston

    Community impact and financial health of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Galveston Houston Our Impact Together, with donors and community leaders like you, we uplift our neighbors in need. Thank you! Donate By the Numbers Annual Report Stories $12.5M direct aid given in 2024 33,000 households assisted in 2024 118,000 individuals helped in 2024 132,000 volunteer hours (equates to 63 full-time employees 10 counties served across Galveston-Houston area 1,700 Vincentian volunteers We understand that it is important to you that your donation is being used effectively—it is important to us, too. Our top priorities encompass prudent stewardship and accountability. Careful management of operational resources is necessary to continuously fulfill the Society's mission. 2023 Annual Report 2023 Community Impact Report 2023 Form 990 2023 Audit Report FORBES: SVdP is one of America's TOP 100 Charities climbing to #59 from #75 in 2023 Your support changed the lives of Solana, Christian, and Dylan—and their families. "Thank you for your generous support. Your kindness has greatly improved our living conditions, motivating me to secure a good job, pursue further education, and provide a better future for my son." Meet Solana

  • Systemic Change Initiative | Society of SVdP Hou

    Systemic Change Initiative includes three resiliency programs to address the conditions that cause suffering, distress and poverty in underserved communities. Systemic Change Initiative Promoting systemic change means offering holistic support that empowers those we serve to make their way out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. Three phases designed to gradually increase resiliency against conditions that cause suffering and distress. GETTING AHEAD PROGRAMS LEARN MORE Classes begin January & July each year Program Goals Working in a group learning environment, participants, become "investigators", and learn how money is only one of eleven resources to achieve success. Resources participants learn to move from crisis to sustainability: Social Capital Support System: Friends, family, network. Relationship/Role model : Access to people who can help improve your outcomes. Motivation & Persistence: Energy, drive and planning Financial: How to use money to purchase assets and services. Emotional: Ability to control emotional responses, increase Integrity, build trust, and maintain safety. Physical: Health and mobility Knowledge of Hidden rules: Know unspoken cues and behaviors of different social environments. Spiritual: Belief in divine purpose. Language: Ability to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar for different social environments Mental: Cognitive capacity to master daily life challenges. Program Benefits Become an Investigator If you’ve spent part of your life—or most of your life—struggling to get by, the idea of actually getting ahead might seem out of reach. Even if your story has been filled with barriers, vanishing opportunities, and setbacks, this program can change your next chapter. Yes, you have to write your own story, but you don’t have to do it alone. UNDERSTANDING OF THE HIDDEN RULES DIVERSE SUPPORT NETWORK STRATEGIC PLANNING PARTICIPATION STIPEND Phase I: Getting Ahead Program Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World is a 16-week series for motivated people ready to change their life by acquiring the tools and support necessary to "get ahead" in today’s world. Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin’-By World takes participants on a step-by-step journey to discover resources and build the resiliency necessary to overcome life's obstacles. This program helps participants build the life they want. APPLY Sessions Include the Following Modules: 01 01 01 MY LIFE NOW Investigate poverty; what is it like for us and our community? 02 02 02 THEORY OF CHANGE Be free from solving the same problems over and over again. 03 03 03 RICH/POOR GAP Research on causes of poverty; understand poverty from different perspectives. 04 04 04 HIDDEN RULES OF ECONOMIC CLASS Learn, understand, and be able to use the Hidden "Rules" of the wealthy, middle class and impoverished. 05 05 05 IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE Investigate formal register and negotiation tools. 06 06 06 ELEVEN RESOURCES Investigate societal, community, relational, emotional, and financial resources. 07 07 07 SELF ASSESMENT OF RESOURCES Conduct self-assessments. 08 08 08 COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT Deeper investigation of community resources. 09 09 09 BUILDING RESOURCES Create a treasure chest to achieve economic stability. 10 10 10 PERSONAL AND COMMUNITY PLANS Develop a detailed plan for your future. By December 31, 2025, program practitioners aim for 178 participants to complete Phase I. Participants are selected based on the information provided within the application, along with their willingness to fully commit to all sessions of the program. Sessions are held virtually. Equipment is provided. Phase II: Getting Ahead GRADUATE Program Cohort '24 The second phase elevates participants' commitment to improving their own lives. Mentors become their teammate to provide the encouragement in achieving self-sufficiency and sustainability. Cohort '24 Assists Graduates with developing a pragmatic action plan to their vision of a better life. Guides Graduates in building financial, social, and emotional resources. Provides Graduate with incentives once successes and milestones are achieved. 6 MONTH GRADUATE PROGRAM MUST FIRST COMPLETE PHASE I BEFORE ENROLLING Phase III: Getting Ahead ALUMNI Program Continue your journey. Become an Ambassador. Connect. Teach. Empower others. Continues exploring key community resources to maintain self-sufficiency. Provides educational workshops and online resources to stay motivated on journey. ONGOING PROGRAM Hosts community job fairs , networking opportunities and recognition events throughout the year. Provides alumni participants the opportunity to become mentors, facilitators, and even Vincentians to continue strengthening the community. MUST FIRST COMPLETE PHASES I and II Participant Experience Christy Christy loved the getting ahead program. She states it was instrumental for her personal and professional growth. Christy has learned systemic poverty and how to overcome it. Although she remains at her current job, she states she now has a better insight on how to look for better opportunities. Christy has gone through the 16 week getting ahead program, graduate program and is now helping facilitate alumni program. Mary Mary had lost her job and had no income for over 3 months. Due to her lack of knowledge about available resources, this was a difficult situation to overcome. After participating in the Getting Ahead program, she has started to work through her situations and begin a new path to financial stability. Mary continues to refer other individuals to the program and hopes to become a facilitator for the program to help others around her. Gloria Gloria shares that the getting ahead program is an open environment to discuss situations that have impacted you, and how the resources provided in the program helped resolve those issues. She says what she liked the most was that resources cam from both mentors and other participants in the program. Gloria would like to participate more with the community and expand the information she has received in the prgram. Submit your application: Application Make an impact by becoming a Program Facilitator or Mentor today: Brochure Impact Report

  • Copy of GIVE (draft-new) | Society of SVdP Hou

    ← back to homepage Thank you to supporters like you! Your generosity has allowed the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to help families and neighbors in need across the greater Galveston-Houston area since 1871. Thank you for helping us continue this vital work. Donate today.

  • JOIN US | Society of St. Vincent de Paul | Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston | Cafe Catholica

    ← back to homepage SUPPORT OUR MISSION. We are a community actively living our faith by loving and providing hope to our neighbors in need. We envision a future where access to financial and social resources is not limited by where one lives. Donate JOIN US. MAKE AN IMPACT. Volunteers are not official members, known as Vincentians, but help provide assistance to those in need. Vincentians are active or associate members of the Society who are called by God to grow in spirituality through friendships and service. Apply Here

  • Programs offered by Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    The Society provides immediate relief to families during crisis and aims to lift people out of poverty by addressing the conditions that cause it. Programas SVdP La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl se preocupa no sólo por aliviar la angustia sino también por identificar las condiciones que la causan. Iniciativa de comunidades desatendidas 01 01 01 This initiative includes a grant program that enables financially limited Conferences to offer financial assistance to neighbors in underserved areas during crisis and disaster. Vincentians commit to building healthy, vibrant Conferences to continuously serve the Greater Houston area when these communities face hardships. Underserved Communties Home Visits Alivio de desastres Programa Salir Adelante Getting Ahead Graduate Program Getting Ahead Alumni Program Sistémico Cambiar Iniciativa Después de recibir el pescado durante la crisis, la Sociedad se centra en enseñar a las personas a pescar para alimentar a sus familias durante toda la vida. La Iniciativa de Cambio Sistémico incluye tres programas de desarrollo de resiliencia diseñados para cambiar la respuesta conductual a la pobreza. Los participantes examinan los recursos necesarios para lograr los objetivos de sostenibilidad y luego diseñan la hoja de ruta para construir un futuro mejor y salir de la pobreza. 02 02 02 Alimento Red 03 03 03 Despensas vecinales en todo el área metropolitana de Houston. Food Pantries

  • Financial Information for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Houston

    The Society has a responsibility to the community. Learn about our sources of funds and how we use them. Financial Stewardship Prudent stewardship and accountability is the Board's top priority. Careful management of operational resources in a business-like manner is necessary to continuously fulfill the mission of the Society. 501c3 Letter Form 990 Audit Report 2023 Annual Report 2023 Impact Report

  • Donate your vehicle to Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    Donate your truck, motorcycle, or trailer to the Society. If it has a motor, it is a vehicle. Working or not working. FREE PICK-UP. Vehicle Donations Frequently Asked Questions 1. Why should you donate your unwanted car? The income generated from your vehicle donation is used to help those in need. 2. In what condition should my vehicle be in? No matter what condition your vehicle is in, the Society can use the value proceeds to help an individual or family get closer to self-sufficiency. 3. Where do I drop off my vehicle? You don’t. We pick it up for you – for FREE. 5. How will my vehicle donation help? The proceeds help our programs – Home Visit, Food Network, Voucher, and Disaster Relief. 6. Is my vehicle donation tax deductible? YES! Our National Vehicle Donation Program will send you a tax-deductible receipt. 7. What kind of vehicles do you accept? Cars, trucks, motorcycles, trailers, boats, and more. Ready to donate a vehicle? Start Process

  • Disaster Relief from Society of St. Vincent de Paul Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston

    When disaster strikes, the Society responds with a coordinated network of Parish Recovery Assistance Centers ready to help. HURRICANE BERYL DISASTER RELIEF Hurricane Beryl has left significant damage in our area, and we understand many are still without power, making communication difficult. Although we are not first responders, our network synergistically collaborates with other organizations in disaster areas to ensure comprehensive support for all affected communities. We encourage you to utilize the resources provided below to assist in your efforts. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in times of crisis. Donate to Emergency Relief Fund Attention! Those needing assistance after the recent disasters from Hurricane Beryl and recent weather changes, including severe storms, derecho winds , tornadoes, and flooding events, call the 211 Texas United Way HELPLINE. Texas/United Way 211 provides callers with the most updated information on assistance with utilities, housing or rental assistance, crisis counseling, senior services, food pantries, and more. This is the community’s 24/7 information source during times of disaster. Assistance through 211 can also be accessed through the following methods in the event of long wait times due to periods of heavy call volume: to search resources online or chat online with a specialist. 211 helpline 211 helpline 211 helpline 211 helpline Hurricane Beryl Resources See resources The Texas Division of Emergency Management iSTAT Damage Assessment Connective Connective Needs Assessment Registry Crisis Cleanup Road Conditions Houston Transtar Incident/Traffic Map Cooling Centers Please take a look at the cooling centers available: Cooling Centers Point of Distribution Sites Please take a look at the distribution sites available: Distribution Sites FEMA Individual Assistance (IA) Individuals and business owners who sustained losses to Derecho winds, recent storms and Hurricane Beryl in the seven designated Texas counties, including Harris and Montgomery, can apply for assistance by visiting , calling 1-800-621-3362 , or using the FEMA App . If you use a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service, or others, give FEMA the number for that service. FEMA Assistance Disaster Distress National Hotline The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is a national hotline that provides disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. DDH Helpline Want to help when a disaster strikes? Volunteer Give Financially

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a 501c3 non-profit organization, EIN #74-1464210.

It provides basic needs assistance to the local communities of Greater Houston-Galveston since 1871.


CONTACT: | 713-741-8234 | 2403 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77021

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