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Society of St. Vincent de Paul
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The mission cannot continue without you.
If you do not see your choice of giving below, please email:

There are many ways you can be a blessing to others in need.

Your donation to the Society takes only a moment but the impact lasts a lifetime.

Mail a check


We accept donations in the form of a check. Please make sure to make the checkout to:


Society of St. Vincent de Paul

c/o Development

2403 Holcombe Blvd.

Houston, TX 77021

Honorarium or Memorial Fund 


Make a gift in honor of or in memory of a loved one; the Society will send a letter to the recipient or the recipient's family letting them know of your gift. The amount of your gift is not disclosed. We will send you a tax acknowledgment letter.

Employer Matching


Check with your employer to find out if the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is eligible for the company's matching gift program.


Matching gifts double the amount of impact.

Planned Giving


Plan ahead and leave a legacy for years to come. Your eternal gift can be in the form of a bequest, life insurance, IRAs, stock, or charitable annuities. 



Instead of donating the after-tax proceeds from the sale of your appreciated securities, consider increasing your impact by donating stocks, bonds, and mutual funds directly to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul through the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.



An endowment is a fund of assets, the principal of which is held in perpetuity and invested for the organization to receive distributions. Endowed funds are invested with a long-term goal of achieving investment returns that exceed distributions.

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