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Underserved Communities

Where we serve determines what we see, and what we see ultimately shapes our actions as a Society. 


The Underserved Communities Initiative began in 2021 leveraging data from the

Distressed Communities Index is a tool for measuring the comparative economic well-being of U.S. communities. A grant funding program for Conferences was launched in May 2022 to illuminate ground-level disparities across the Greater Houston areas. This funding is designated ONLY to zip code areas identified as "at-risk" or "distressed" with the intent to prevent the number of unhoused children, families, and senior citizens living on the streets of Houston. 

Aerial View of Houses
Gardens from above


Create healthy, vibrant Conferences to continuously serve the Galveston-Houston area, and 

Increase the mission's impact in the at-risk and distressed communities.

Grant Funded Conferences 

Holy Family - Galveston

St. Ambrose

St. Mary Purification - Third Ward

St. Monica - Acres Homes

St. Patrick - North Houston

St. Philip Neri - Sunnyside 

St. Thomas the Apostle - Huntsville

St. Thomas Aquinas - Sugarland

St. Thomas More

Two grant cycles

each year:

October - March

April - September

Minimum Requirements 

  1. Serve an "at-risk" or "distressed" zip code area.

  2. Utilize CMS for monthly reporting.

  3. Have a minimum of 8-11 members.

  4. Recently completed a Conference assessment or completed the Conference Revitalization process. 

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