Underserved Communities
Where we serve determines what we see, and what we see ultimately shapes our actions as a Society.
The Underserved Communities Initiative began in 2021 leveraging data from the
Distressed Communities Index is a tool for measuring the comparative economic well-being of U.S. communities. A grant funding program for Conferences was launched in May 2022 to illuminate ground-level disparities across the Greater Houston areas. This funding is designated ONLY to zip code areas identified as "at-risk" or "distressed" with the intent to prevent the number of unhoused children, families, and senior citizens living on the streets of Houston.
Create healthy, vibrant Conferences to continuously serve the Galveston-Houston area, and
Increase the mission's impact in the at-risk and distressed communities.
Grant Funded Conferences
Holy Family - Galveston
St. Ambrose
St. Mary Purification - Third Ward
St. Monica - Acres Homes
St. Patrick - North Houston
St. Philip Neri - Sunnyside
St. Thomas the Apostle - Huntsville
St. Thomas Aquinas - Sugarland
St. Thomas More
Minimum Requirements
Serve an "at-risk" or "distressed" zip code area.
Utilize CMS for monthly reporting.
Have a minimum of 8-11 members.
Recently completed a Conference assessment or completed the Conference Revitalization process.